Monday, December 10, 2012

Journal # 6 REVISED

Easy A: Brief Screening Report
The most important scene occurs in chapter 13 of the movie Easy A, when Olive’s mother enters and hands her a gift from Brandon, who she pretended to have sex with the night before at Melanie Bostix’s party. She had told him that if he pretended to be straight he would be accepted by their peers. Inside the gift box she finds a vibrator and a gift card to Target along with a card saying, “in case you don’t like Target you can go screw yourself.” Rhiannon, Olive’s best friend calls to verify the previous night’s events and tells Olive that “everyone and I mean everyone, thinks she is a skank.” Outraged Olive says, “If people thought I was a dirty skank, fine, I was going to be the dirtiest skank they’ve ever seen” and goes out to buy red fabric and skimpy clothing that are two sizes too small. She stays up in her room cutting out and sewing red A’s onto her entire wardrobe as reference to The Scarlet Letter, which is a book that Olive is reading in her English class.

I feel this is a very important seen because it’s after this scene that sets the audience up for the rest of the movie. Without this scene viewers would be lost. The rest of the movie unfolds with Olive receiving gift cards from several guys for sexual favors that are never actually performed. People really believe that she is a skank and is selling her body for money when in reality she is still a virgin. It shows how words can truly affect someone’s image and that person has to live with the consequences of events that haven’t occurred.

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